The Project

My process : Empathize > Define > Ideate > Prototype > Test

This project is a menu app, created to be easy to use & to share detailed information about the food. This mobile app has been designed for a fictional Mexican restaurant, that I’ve called Mexico Factory. I have realized this UX & UI mobile app project from the bottom to the end, as the only UX Designer. I’ve completed it during my professional certificate of UX Design by Google.

  • What

    Fictional mexican restaurant food menu app

  • Why

    • Quick and detailed ingredient look up per dish

    • Easy use and time saving

  • When

    March 2022 - July 2022

  • Category

    • IOS app

    • Food & drinks

  • About

    Fictional restaurant located in Paris in France.

    • traditional

    • offers dishes with high quality products

    • in quick time

    • good value for money.

  • Scope

    Project completed during my professional certificate of UX Design by Google.


I have interviewed 4 people with the aim to understand the users behaviors, needs & motivation. I also wanted to understand their feelings & pain points.


  • Could you describe me your current schedule ?

  • When do you plan to eat outside and why ?

  • How often do you go to the restaurant ?

  • When you do, what are your expectations ?

  • What are your expectations of a food menu app ?

  • What challenges do you face in the ordering process ? How does this make you feel ?

  • How these challenges could be resolved ?

Empathy mapping

to make the feedback from the interviews, I’ve decided to create an empathy map.


I’ve created 2 personas related to my previous interviews.

User Journey Map



Close-up storyboard

Big picture storyboard

Affinity Diagram

Competitive analysis

I did a competitive analysis where I compared 4 competitors websites, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of some potentials competitors.

Paper Wireframes

I first drew paper wireframes.

Digital Wireframes

Then I’ve made digital wireframes on Figma.

Usability Studies

Unmoderate usability studies | 5 participants

Findings :
Want to add Extra to their dish
Need more images or translation
Need to add additional information

  • Order at least 1/week on a food menu app

  • Have between 18 and 65 yrs old

  • Live in France (metropolitan & suburban area)

  • 1 participant has food allergies

  • Include a fairly even distribution of genders

  • Include different abilities (visual impairment and not fluent in english)

Low-fidelity | High-fidelity prototype

Let’s work together !

I’m open to new jobs opportunities, feel free to contact me.


3D Mexican food (tacos/burritos) attribution to Nabeel Ahmed - link to license here

Cat Paw attribution to Chenkov Egor

Men in Personas attribution to Farik Amri

Women in Personas attribution to Humans 3.0